Friday, December 29, 2006

Mr or Miss Right

Why there are many individuals who seem to find out something is wrong in their relationship with the person they date. Is there no way of telling who is the "one" for you? How many "dates" do you want to go through so you can find the "one"?

I have read many people's cases on "BGR turned sour" and most of them seem to think they are the "wrong" people they dated. They think they will never find the "correct" one or Mr/Miss Right. BUT how can you be sure who is your Mr/Miss Right?

There is no definate solution nor is there any fool proof plan of going about it. You learn through life itself and in your life you will go through a roller coaster ride with regards to finding your Mr/Miss Right.

Of course how many hearts are you willing to break OR how many times you want your heart to shatter to get there? If you already knew WHO IS your ideal mate, are you willing to resist temporary feelings and emotions in search of that ideal mate of yours? OR will you give in and just get one and enjoy the time together without really seriously considering are you two going for life?

Through the "wrong" people, you learn more about yourself and your traits and flaws. Slowly you will filter out many things and narrowing your search, finding the ideal person will be more clearer than ever before.

Nowadays we see many people get together in relationships in the heat of moment or passion. Very few rarely consider the consequences in relationships and the commitments involved. Its starting to get "stereotypical" that getting into a relationship between a guy and a girl ( in some cases guy and guy or girl and girl) is normal or hip and is in a way considered "experienced" or some other words.

There is NOTHING wrong in getting into a relationship. Just keep in mind what is it you looking for... OR RATHER what is it you can give to the other party and do know that you love him/her and that is why you give more than you receive. Then slowly you will know who is your Mr/Miss Right... Or left?

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