Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Initially I do not know what to type in here. I thought of 'basic courtesy', or 'human society'. Perhaps how I found my job? Well... for now I cannot come up with a concrete foundation to write on any of those subjects so I just write down what I can think of at the moment.

Last week was a very interesting week. I was still working as a temp admin where I had 'a repeat watching of a movie', 'a lecture by my mother', '2 interviews', 'a blood donation' and confusion.

Let me start with monday: I watched Transformers with Jun Wei, again. As I marvelled at the 3D digital effects of the transforming mechanized beings and the realism of the show, Jun Wei told me something that had me thinking.

A show that once captured many hearts with the capacity to make many fantasize what could be possible in the story. What are the limitations of the imagination of the Transformers in the minds of those who watched the cartoon back in the 80s. It could go far and beyond as long as the mind is willing and able.

Then the limitation stopped when the movie came out. A teaspoon of 3D effects and a pot of realism with 'cool' garnishing poured into the soup of imagination of 'The Transformers". We saw what the Transformers were capable of. We realised how real it can get. We also know how short it stopped in terms of imagination when we had in our mind the fantastic world of Transformers etched into our minds since young.

Some may like the soup, some do not. I am ok with it because I am more visual and I can accept many things even if it does not live up to the hype. What the show lacked in many elements, covered it with action, explosions and 'cool' mentality as the show is more catered to the current generation who is so engulfed by the things that are 'cool'.

Tuesday: I initially wanted NOT to go to work as I had a morning run earlier. I had no idea why and I simply go to my mum and told her that. She lectured me and told me to go to work immediately. At that time I still did not know why I told her that. I only know that I do not want to go back to the lifestyle that had me crippled for the past 2 - 3 years.

This wake up call had me rejuvenated and I thanked my mother for it. I also thank my Lord that I told my mother about this so she could lecture me. Strange huh? It was also on the same day that I got a call to go for an interview. I was excited and do not want this chance to go to waste.

Wednesday: I went to the interview and had a pretty lenghtly session with the interviewer. He almost had me convinced that I could contribute to the company as its a small but growing company. I could become a member who helped the company grow significantly.

As excited as I was, I saw an old lady sitting outside those shophouses selling fruits and vegetables and I felt pain in my heart. "Why is she there working? She must have been in her 80s! What made her still work at this age!? What are her children doing? Does she have any???" So many questions, so many emotions.

Then I realised this: no matter how much I am tempted by the roses at the road side, I should remain focused on the road ahead. That road ahead is whereby I study to become a social worker and do my part for the people in this society before I move on to the higher aspiration, which is becoming a lecturer specialising in teaching aspiring social workers on social science and social studies.

Thursday: I had another interview and it is at one end of Changi. I went there and stopped at Airport road, thinking the place is inside. I saw a 'Police Pass Office' and felt something was not right. I could not see the building I was supposed to go. I enquire around and found that its not here. I called the interviewer and asked her how to go. I was late at that time. In the end I took the bus, thinking it could lead me further down the road.

The bus took me back to where I came from! I thought maybe its somewhere along the trip. I still see none. I was 20 minutes late! So as the norm goes, I took a taxi. Even the driver had to search the directory to find the location. It was then when he drove to the place did I realised that the location was even further behind than Airport road. Man... its so isolated! A shutter bus was needed to get in and out.

I went to the building, exchanged a pass (this time the correct one) and went to for the interview. She told me about the job scope and stuffs. I asked about the details of certain tasks and how to rearrange time should I go for further studies. Basically we came to an agreement and she more or less expected me to agree to accepting this job. I ask for a few days to decide between the 2 jobs. I would give them an answer on next monday (which was this monday).

1 have lesser pay, the other is far off from my home. 1 involves travelling around SG, the other most likely include tons of OTs and deadlines to meet. I was confused over this 2 choices so I asked for comments. Many pointed me to the 2nd one because its a more reputable company and more in line towards what I could learn which benefit me in the future. Not to mention higher pay.

Friday was a 'rest' day for me as there was not much of an 'adventure' in that day.

Saturday: I went for the 2nd blood donation. Hah! This time, under the pressing commands of my mother, I asked for more iron tablets. I also came to realise why I always finished my donation faster than Han Yew. We are of different weight and the heavier people gets to donate more, thus slower to finish. Ooooooh...

In any case its another fun session in blood donating. At night, I had to fetch my brother from school because his primary 5 corhort attended the NE of NDP. I waited and waited, saw the buses entered 1 by 1. They had some sort of a last warcry before 'officially' ended and I found him before bringing him out of the school.

We waited for a taxi for quite a while. I told my brother that if I had a car, I would have left by now. He told me if you have the money 1st, then you get a car. Frankly speaking, having the money is useless if I have no LICENSE!!! Oh well... we still got into a taxi after a long wait. I found out my brother had a knack for starting a sentence with "No" if my comments were not in line with his. So I basically took my bible and slap his thigh whenever he said that.

Am I supposed to use the bible to do that? O_o No I don't think so... Hmm.............

Ok, this is a long entry and its not even the one I wanted to put in. Nontheless its something I put so I could read back and reflect on the many things that happened during the week.